
Based on the information you entered into the Retirement Analyzer, you may not have sufficient funds to retire in 2045. If you do retire in 2045, you are projected to run out of funds in 2050.

Please keep in mind that this is a basic view of your retirement analysis, using the numbers you input into the Retirement Analyzer. Your Retirement Analyzer Advisor can add more detail and, in many cases, make recommendations and suggest strategies to help you attain your retirement goals and better your analysis.

The information provided by these projections and calculators is for illustrative purposes only. Estimates included are based on information supplied by the client such as estimated Social Security benefits, pension benefits, projections of cost of living increases, inflation rates, and federal and state income tax rates. Current federal income tax tables are used in certain calculations. All of these are subject to change and will have an effect on the long range outcome shown in the analysis. Any interest rates are hypothetical and are not meant to represent any specific investment. Assets Risk Management has done the due-diligence to maintain the accuracy of the information and calculations, but the assumptions do not encompass all situations. Assets Risk Management does not make any guarantees on the outcome of any recommendations made based upon the above information. The projections or other information generated by this report regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.

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