Putting a leg over a horse and feet into stirrups brings the ever-fresh feeling of excitement and anticipation of the ride ahead. Riding includes an accepted risk that is part of the love of the horse and passion for the sport. To buffer that risk, ARM has sourced a “tailor made” insurance that has built in Living Benefits that offer financial protection. Because “Life Happens” — Life insurance you don’t have to die to use.
These Living Benefits are Accelerated Benefit Riders (additional benefits), and are included in affordable life Insurance for equestrians athletes at no additional cost.
“What If I Become Ill or Injured?”
You and your family have financial protection in the event that you experience a qualifying illness or injury. Life insurance can do more than pay a death benefit; it provides benefits for living.
Living Benefits can allow you to access all or part of your death benefit, while living, if you experience a qualifying:
- Critical injury
- Critical Illness
- Chronic Illness
- Terminal Illness
This is not a reimbursement of incurred expenses. Rather, it is cash direct to your pocket. Since the benefit is unrestricted, once you qualify, you can use the money for any reason.
Breathe Easier…With Living Benefits
At ARM, our first priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about your personal situation, identify your dreams and goals, and understand your tolerance for risk. For further information, call today for a no-obligation complimentary confidential consultation.